Friday, March 20, 2009

This is Quantum Be Bop

Let’s start with these concepts as a lead sheet to experiencing this song of life and awareness that bring fulfillment to the heart the same way that a soloist does when playing. Life is a Dance to the music within and around use in this vast consciousness call the universe. When we change keys or modulate the resonate tones, it just another dimension that the song exist in. Rhythmically, it is the situations and occurrences in the passage through the process of “Now” that enhances the quantum syncopation of the creative manifestation of the agreed to sensorial expression of the relative realities. In the perceptive consciousness of Quantum Emotionality the thematic experience of life is opened to the multiple possibilities to all relative realities in the multiverse of existence.

Thought can be defined as a coalescence of sensorial data to provide an accepted definition for the input that the cognitive process responds too. Language is an individual’s transmitter that provides the shared experience of consciousness in relation to the sensorial data received when shared between it and another individual's conscious experience. As we continue to refine and increase the fidelity of the transmission and reception the most relevant aspect of the quantum translation of thought begins to experience one or more of the phenomenon of the speculative quantum behaviors that are being used to better define the universal data base of explanations to the sensorial interface with the accepted relative realities we hold too.

Love as a universal energy signature is only changed by the needs in the human modality of thought to structure and construct a controlling aspect of Loves infinite non-finite probabilities in order for the passive acts of the ego to constrict and limit the true potentiality this quantum frequency of emotion and light does produce. This energy can be felt or heard as the melodic as well as contrapuntal dissonance that provides the release in this quantum emotional aware experience of living.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rejections by Physicists and Mystics

Several of the founders of quantum physics were interested in the link between quantum mechanics and mysticism ……. They felt that quantum mechanics required a subtle reexamining of the role of conscious experience in the physical world.

Unlike them, the British physicist Sir Arthur Eddington rejected the notion that mysticism and physics had anything more than a metaphorical relationship…………. "We should suspect an intention to reduce God to a system of differential equations………..

……………..physicist Heinz Pagels explicitly rejected any link between the supernatural phenomenon often associated with mysticism and quantum mechanics, writing:
"Some recent advocates of Bell's work when confronted with Bell's inequality have gone on to claim that telepathy is verified or the mystical notion that all parts of the universe are instantaneously interconnected is vindicated. Others assert that this implies communication faster than the speed of light………… Individuals who make such claims have substituted a wish-fulfilling fantasy for understanding…………………
Likewise some mystics doubt that quantum physics and mysticism describe the same realm.

Tom Huston, in a review on the quantum mystical film What the Bleep Do We Know!? ………wrote:

"Quantum physics deals with the abstract, symbolic analysis of the physical world—space, time, matter, and energy—even down to the subtlest level, the quantum vacuum. Mysticism deals with the direct apprehension of the transcendent Source of all those things…………………... It's apparently only a very loose interpretation of physics, and a looser interpretation of mysticism, that allows for their surprising convergence—and opens the door to the even wilder idea that by drinking some of this quantum mystical brew, you'll be able to create your own reality.

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