Thursday, April 23, 2009

Taking Steps Toward a Cognitive Quantum Spiritual Awareness

The continual questioning of the existence of a cohesive aspect of the manifest material universe and cosmos is not unlike the realms of thought and the mind and its correlation to that which is referred to as Soul, when considered as an equation of formulation and frame work for a quantum paradox. Does God or a supreme consciousness exist and can there be a dialogue between it and that which is experienced as consciousness in the human modality? When speaking of a dialogue it is not in the verbal sense but an awareness of the transference of energies. In the human modality this is verbal auditory exchange in conversation but in the quantum cognitive awareness it’s the exchange of energies with infinite possibilities as well as probabilities of a finite outcome that would be expressed. This is a true state of an absolute. Choosing a dimensional frequency to allow these expressions to create the “now” that it, in itself, would become a sensorial awareness of existence; it is this energetic exchange that creates the finite reality. As the collective awareness, a universal supra-unconscious, forms and begins to create harmonics in variable resonances, a definitive manifestation of this energetic exchange begins to develop into an adhered to sensorial relative reality. Developing a Cognitive Quantum Spiritual Awareness provides for an affective process of movement within this relative experience of “Now”, that is contingent upon the resonant harmonics of the defining concepts of the sensorial perception of this non-finite energetic process and its movement into an accepted relative realities of the human modality which is founded in the supra-universal consciousness that does define “Now” in the human experiences. It’s the continual affectation of the mental focus that the sensorial experience becomes mutable just by the aspect of a shift in consciousness, a change in the spiritual awareness that modifies the emotional response to that which is perceived as the circumstances of life it self in the human model. This is to say that the actual physical parameters of life do not change but the ability to comprehend and correlate the input toward the emotional responses can change and allow the human process to some what affect a change in the so call spiritual awareness that seemingly changes the actual physical outcome of the cognitive sensorial data received, perceived and responded to. When we place this process into a Cognitive Quantum Spiritual Awareness there becomes a greater possibility that the actual physical outcome of the circumstances of life are changed by this higher fidelity of awareness experienced in the manifest relative reality of the human model.

The multi-faceted crystal quality of quantum possibilities focuses our actions of every moment into the experiences of that which is to become a part of “Now” awareness. The universal laws, that are prescribed to by the conceptual philosophers of this quantum era of evaluation, understanding and illumination, have begun to shift these speculative aspects of how and what the future is and how it unfolds even in this expression of a linear temporal progressive perception. Pre-destination is spoke of in theology, however in the quantum awareness of cognitive spiritual experiences, the infinite spectrum of the combination of all universal thought that affect these cosmic laws are within the range of this same quantum cognition in the “Now”. In the human modality the statement “all that ever was, is and will be exist in this moment (the “Now”)” summarizes this same conceptualization with in the parameters of the human imaginative consciousness frequency range and creative variances.

This Spiritual process calibrates the expansion of existence it self. Acceptance and Release, the osculating frequencies of this quantum field, provides for the perception and experience to bring the natural motions of existence in line with the human modality which exist in a much more fragile emotional framework. This fluctuation of non-aligned response to the perceptive human emotional sensorial data can be recalibrated once a quantum sense of emotionality is initiated. (All future moments must in essence exist in the more expansive conceptualization of “Now”. If we allow the abilities of quantum sensorial referencing to be integrated into the waking human consciousness this prospect of the complete relocation of the actual perceptive sensorial input, the human shell, may be able to exist in that multidimensional awareness of that which is consider to be the future which is derived from the consciousness of ‘Now”. [Excerpt from “Quantum Emotionally Explained pg. 36]) This brings about the acceptance and release from the paradox of good verse evil which will bring equilibrium to the karmic concept of evaluation in concerns to the emotional actions that are believed to precipitate occurrences of retribution in the human modality. These concepts of understanding are defining principle of a quantum entanglement process within the human modality and that its consciousness gains a relative perceptive experience of the “Now” through a limited experiential knowledge of the universal processes of temporal juxtaposition, existing in past, present and future time frames, in awareness but not necessarily with a tactile cognitive experience.