Sunday, June 14, 2009

Quantum Symphonic Score of The Absolute

The Quantum Symphonic Score of the Absolute

In the quantum awareness modality the fidelity of consciousness is beyond the definitions relied upon to examine or have a cognitive experience, this is to say that as we’re unable to perceive these frequencies in the human modality, of that which is not with in sensorial range of the accepted mental systems of recognition so that it can exist in the human modality awareness. Applied to this writing which you are reading, the paragraphs that you will read do exist in a quantum modality but the human cognitive ability to see and understand them has not been experienced. Once the space-time portion of the equation, the process of the linear progression of reading, is fulfilled then the experience of the concepts presented in the words will be complete in the human modality. When we approach dream conscious awareness, the fourth level of conscious awareness (Turiya) in the human modality, and waking consciousness as a part the same cognitive experience, we exist in a quantum cognitive energetic environment. It is only the human process of sleeping and waking that divides this limited experience of true quantum cognitive abilities into the dual human model of experience. Crossing the bridge between the dream state and waking state that are seemingly divided level of consciousness as defined, into a total aware quantum state of beingness provides the ability to see into other dimensional relative realities, referred to as the astral and causal planes of awareness. The quantum cognitive process, Soul consciousness or awareness, exist and operates at all frequencies of activities and representations of beingness. When you think of words spoken by someone or see in the minds eye a vision of the same person that is displace from the “now” sensorial temporal cognitive abilities, not standing in front of you, these are the limited dimensional shift that are experienced in the imaginative qualities human modality.

The more it is sought to develop a knowingness of a definitive or absolute executable idea or concept of that which has no definable parameters is an indefinite process which by its true nature is continually in a state of transformation and flux caused by its quantum nature of a mutable beingness. The action of the Spiritual, Mental and Philosophical seeking that is engaged in is the Quantum Syncopation that creates the harmonies and rhythmic expression in the cosmic symphony of the abstract, which to the senses that quantify the beliefs and perceptions of knowingness experienced as sentient consciousness and awareness, are held in an absolute quantum cognitive perception of “Now”. If intelligence is in itself artificial, being that it is only created from itself of itself to quantify that which it perceives as relative reality, then faith is organic it is only through faith that the conclusions we know as the manifest world continues to function as the human sensorial world of perception. This is in accordance to the energetic representation of all things great and small, the Macro and Micro cosmos. The magnificent wonders of the world of perception and sometime incomprehensible magnitude of what is referred as the inner realms, those of a Quantum Awareness, suspended in an electro-magnetic energetic balance of variant sub-atomic harmonics that are held in balance by the perception of a duality of the human modality senses in the multi-verse of an infinite absolute state that is manifest in a quantum aware sensorial state of non-corporeal expression, Infinite Absolute Joy (the quantum age) or Infinite Absolute Conflict (the atomic age).

Meditation on The Absolute

What is the fundamental emotional experience of being held in the heart of creation? Is it a struggle or is it through complete surrender and acceptance that we touch the hand of God? In the dualistic essence within the most evolved comprehensive human conscious experience it is both, but in the transformative quantum awareness it is an Absolute. (Adjective; absolute comparative more absolute, superlative most absolute, 1. Loosed from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional; 2. Complete in itself; perfect; consummate; faultless; 3. Viewed apart from modifying influences or without comparison with other objects; actual; real; — opposed to relative and comparative; 4. Loosed from, or unconnected by, dependence on any other being; self-existent; in this sense God is called the Absolute by the Theist. The term is also applied by the Pantheist to the universe, or the total of all existence, as only capable of relations in its parts to each other and to the whole, and as dependent for its existence and its phenomena on its mutually depending forces and their laws; 5. Capable of being thought or conceived by itself alone; unconditioned; non-relative; it is in dispute among philosophers whether the term, in this sense, is not applied to a mere logical fiction or abstraction, or whether the absolute, as thus defined, can be known, as a reality, by the human intellect; Noun; That which is independent of context-dependent interpretation, inviolate, fundamental.)

The true nature of (an) the Absolute can not be stagnant or static. In order for it to exist it must continue to adapt to its perception of its own beingness. Finite/Infinite, Matter/anti-Matter, Truth/Illusion these are the dualistic attributes that allow the human cognitive process to step outside of this non-quantum realm of an absolute to experience the Quantum Syncopation of a multi-dimensional relative representation of knowingness of an Absolute. To translate the true foundation of these explanations of that which is not a part of the cognitive frequencies of the human modality, this quantum field consciousness has manifested and is only accessible through the imaginative intuitive creative aspect with-in the human modalities. This higher fidelity of emotions coming from the resulting quantum recalibration of the human psycho-emotional bandwidths, the creative consciousness that process outside the norms of plausible explanations, modulate the electromagnetic variances of the sensorial response receptor harmonics, the more than fourteen recognized tactile senses, that influence this perceptive filter that is described as emotion. As discussed in Quantum Emotionality, the human modality of emotional response is just outside the frequency range of behavioral and instinctual responses of the lower human vibratory variance as an evolved mammalian species, rather than a cognitive Quantum consciousness intergraded into the experience of “Now” which in spiritual terms is “Soul”, the true self, existing in a state of “God” consciousness.