Monday, September 14, 2009

Quantum Recapitulation of Life Force Energies

This is the next movement of the score of this Quantum Symphonic Journey that requires examination. Quantum Recapitulation requires a fundamental agreed upon definition of life force in all its representations. Emotions are a conclusive examination of the frequency responses defined by data stored in the accepted empirical experiential observations that define the finite responses prescribed to the process of the occurrences in the daily interface with the manifest relative realities in the human modality or daily living. The reoccurring Life Force Energetic is the fuel and foundation of that which is seemingly consumed at every moment yet it provides for the expansion of that which is perceived as existence in the manifest relative realities of the human experience. That is to say that each moment of the ever present “Now” is the Quantum Recapitulation of the Eternal Absolute of Life Force Energetics that exist only to bring an awareness to that which, until this Quantum Cognitive “Now” sensibility, was beyond the human modality in this relative manifest realism that is insufficiently described as life.

The Movement of Life Force Energetics

This is not a discussion about the quality of what is referred to as life in the human modality viewed in the limited experience of the finite explanations offered from what is observed in the physical sensorial relative realities. This Quantum aspect of insight is set forth to describe the human process as well as the complete inquiry into that which is beyond the cosmic observance of life force. Once a reasonable agreed upon explanation is found it will be examine in contrast to the human modality of these frequencies of emotionality that precipitate what is called daily experiences of harmonic cosmic frequencies in the human modality. Observance through the imaginative intuitive creative view point offered from Quantum analysis, speculation and theory. In the human modality the closest explanation lies within the examination of Extremophiles (A biological life form that evolves strategies that allow it to survive even beyond the physical and chemical limits to which it has adapted to grow. To survive, some microorganisms can assume forms that enable them to withstand freezing, complete desiccation, starvation, high-levels of radiation exposure, and other physical or chemical challenges. Furthermore, some microorganisms can survive exposure to such conditions for weeks, months, years, or even centuries). This process is in line with that which is discussed in the adaptation of sub-atomic particles and their behavior on the quantum level of observation as well as the Quantum Emotional Cosmology that allows the human experience to evolve. Darwinian evolutionary speculative examination of life is an equivalent comparison to The Quantum Recapitulation of Life Force Energies, as is Newtonian and Relativity concepts that define the physical sciences and cosmic understanding, is to Quantum mechanics. Quantum Recapitulation is a finite operating perception of a combine formulation of the energetic representation of life in the unified field of awareness and cognitive examination. Life, when so defined, continues beyond that which is perceived as the simple dualist views of Death and Living. The finite aspects of the perceptive human modality experience of life force energies when held in the illumination of Quantum Cognition, does evolve. A brief explanation of Quantum Cognition; (Quantum Cognition; awareness in thought and consciousness that can conceive of and examine down to the sub-atomic level emotional frequencies (photons, neutrons, quarks and string membrane); sensory recognition of the smallest fabrication of material realities; elemental particles and wave forms that influence the sensory perceptibility)

Life Force Energetics Stage 3

It brings to a consciousness the greater possibilities of knowing without evaluation which provides an abilities to accept probabilities of experiences beyond the human modalities of perception and simple understanding of the process coined as life and living. Standing outside the box, so to speak, and looking in with out disturbing the content. In quantum evaluation and examination it is the observance of the phenomenon that defines the behavior to the lower human modality perceptual analysis and explanation; whereas through quantum awareness (usually stated as theoretical probabilities) it allows for a greater application of non sequential processing reserved for the imaginative frequencies of analysis. You may inquire; where within Life and Living does this energetic frequency response exist in the human modality. That’s the rub of it as you would have it. It exist within the simplest aspects of beingness and is an infinite expression that is the foundation to the process of the illusion as it is defined by the “Soul” consciousness that speaks through the action of love that pours through the phenomenon of Itself, that is life, the energetic breath of creation. Founded in Quantum Cognitive modality it is the greatest observance of all that is intangible that manifests in this imaginative intuitive frequency of being. From Di Vinci to Spielberg, From Copernicus to Jules Vern and from the early Philosopher and Sages to the Modern teaching and interpretations of ancient Wisdom where a language first began to offer a knowingness of the infinite mysteries of this Life Force Energetic signature that is a part of the human modality. In a cosmological sense of this observation the universe is a living organism far beyond the perception of the human modality of a life force explanation of being. We understand that the light we see as the stars are enormous sub-atomic particle factories that produce the components to be considered as Life Force Energies. As we peer within the Quanta we see this same phenomenon in every sub atomic representation of energetic formations. In a linear sense the human modality can only speculate in terms of a temporal definition of cosmic existence. Beyond the simple duality of “on and off” is a Quantum unified process that is the possibilities that all observable probabilities are a continuum of “acceptance and release” an Infinite Absolute that can be defined by Recapitulation of Life Force Energies Entanglement of Infinite Life Force Energetics and Quantum Cognition Life force prospective in the human modality, when observed, is seen in a limited spectrum of understanding that is within the harmonic range of Quantum Recapitulations. The reference to song is to bring a melodic sense of the harmonic structure that will harmonize with the true existence of the absolute infinite process of being that encompasses a non-dualistic, non-linear and non-sequential knowingness. Within the Absolute the simple applied definition of the cosmic view points on life are echoed in the human modality in frequencies that are perceptible in the quantum cognitive process that is functioning in the supra-consciousness, the creative intuitive imaginative, which is the quantum “acceptance and release” process. This becomes an entanglement paradox described in quantum mechanics manifested on a multi-dimensional universal scale between the human modality and the Quantum sensibility of a unified perception of that which is described as a Life Force Energy.

Life Force Energetics Stage 2

The empirical sensorial data that describes the existence of relative realities is encoded in each and every atom, a cosmic DNA strand, and all of the components that form the molecules that create the tactile universe that is under the scrutiny of the very same Quantum evaluation. The process of cognitive expansion of the supra-consciousness in the human modality that makes the effort to become intellectually aware of this process in this organic universe, the relative reality, is created through Quantum Recapitulation, a reaffirming that each component of the non-linear aspects of Life Force Energies is applied in each moment of the “Now”. The reprocessing of all that is formulated to exist just outside the response syndrome that effects the cognitive filter of the senses and creates the emotional data that inhibits a clear and unfettered experience of “Now” where a complete understanding or knowingness exist without a measurable form, the quanta (The word comes from the Latin "quantus", for "how much." Behind this, one finds the fundamental notion that a physical property may be "quantized", referred to as "quantization".……it is regarded by virtually every professional physicist as the most fundamental framework we have for understanding and describing nature at the infinitesimal level, for the very practical reason that it works. It is "in the nature of things", not a more or less arbitrary human preference) becomes the foundation The Life Force Energetics is the essence of creation in the tactile experiential sensorial response process of beingness within the human modality and the Quantum Recapitulation is the continuing recreation of the beginnings of sentient awareness of that beingness. Scientific examination and effort to recreate through technology a process of an artificial human intelligence may provide an adventure for the modality of human examination but Quantum Recapitulation (Q R) opens the essence of consciousness to the experience of being truly alive in the organic process of intelligence that is a true foundation for this moment of creation that is ever expanding and contracting as does the breathe of the Absolute that words fail to describe. The conclusive neural pathways that are emerging are that which can be referred to as Life Force Energies in the human modality, the classical observance of the relative sensorial “Now”, can not describe what is not within its temporal linear perceptual acuity. The experience of Life Force Energetics in observance is a fundamental process of faith, the unspoken truth that forms this external perceptive relative reality.

Empirical, Sentient, Sentience and Sapience consciousness.

Life Force Energetics Stage 1