Sunday, September 12, 2010

Quantum Syncopation Linguistic Expression

Existence / Existance

When the sensorial experience of “cognitive quantum awareness” is used as the correlative mechanisms of the relative perceptive translating consciousness the non-dual prevalence of it equivocates the Peak Experience* of the “Now”.

*(Peak experience is a term used to describe certain transpersonal and ecstatic states, particularly ones tinged with themes of euphoria, harmonization and interconnectedness. Participants characterize these experiences, and the revelations imparted therein, as possessing an ineffably mystical (or overtly religious) quality or essence.) “Abraham Maslow”

Existance / Existence.

When allowing the conscious awareness of being present in the “Now”, complete alignment with a sense of oneness within the sub-quantum frequencies of beingness are experienced. (A Peak Experience) Stepping beyond the limited human cognitive abilities of perception into Quantum Cognitive Awareness, this initiates the process of orienting perception to that which is indiscernible or immeasurable in finite explanatory verbal quantities and/or qualities.

The human modality perceives existing as an explanatory process of existence; where as the complete finite interactive experience is vibrationally more precise when expressed as existance. This changes the parameters of understanding from the objective linguistic definition of a noun to a verb creating an interactive energetic cosmic expression into the “Now”. An awareness of Spiritual beingness defined in the human modality of doing becomes the explanatory linguistic parameter for true expression of existance within existence. The vibrational frequencies created in the neural translating matrix for perceiving an interactive “Now” gains clarity that could be defined as Divine awareness, the experience of the Absolute in everyday life occurrence.