Sunday, September 12, 2010

Quantum Syncopation Linguistic Expression

Existence / Existance

When the sensorial experience of “cognitive quantum awareness” is used as the correlative mechanisms of the relative perceptive translating consciousness the non-dual prevalence of it equivocates the Peak Experience* of the “Now”.

*(Peak experience is a term used to describe certain transpersonal and ecstatic states, particularly ones tinged with themes of euphoria, harmonization and interconnectedness. Participants characterize these experiences, and the revelations imparted therein, as possessing an ineffably mystical (or overtly religious) quality or essence.) “Abraham Maslow”

Existance / Existence.

When allowing the conscious awareness of being present in the “Now”, complete alignment with a sense of oneness within the sub-quantum frequencies of beingness are experienced. (A Peak Experience) Stepping beyond the limited human cognitive abilities of perception into Quantum Cognitive Awareness, this initiates the process of orienting perception to that which is indiscernible or immeasurable in finite explanatory verbal quantities and/or qualities.

The human modality perceives existing as an explanatory process of existence; where as the complete finite interactive experience is vibrationally more precise when expressed as existance. This changes the parameters of understanding from the objective linguistic definition of a noun to a verb creating an interactive energetic cosmic expression into the “Now”. An awareness of Spiritual beingness defined in the human modality of doing becomes the explanatory linguistic parameter for true expression of existance within existence. The vibrational frequencies created in the neural translating matrix for perceiving an interactive “Now” gains clarity that could be defined as Divine awareness, the experience of the Absolute in everyday life occurrence.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quantum Global Alignment

It is often ask by those of conscious “Why do bad things continue to happen to Good People?” This is usually referring to the natural disasters and or human combative conflicts that causes lose of many lives the emotive moral obligation recognizes that which is prescribed as suffering and these frequencies affect cognitive awareness of the global bandwidth. This is a part of the Quantum Syncopation that is furthering the inner awareness that brings the healing Light of Love and concern to those that still slumber in the illusion of the agreed upon sensorial relative reality that is participated in each day. The Universe it self is the source of this harmonious chaos seemingly beyond the waking human modality’s sensibilities. It is taught in most Spiritual communities that it’s the focus of intention that can bring Love and Light and more manifest Universal Quantum awareness of the most complex harmonics that are created by this dimensional universal experience that provides the avenues toward Quantum Cognitive living, living in the heart of Creation itself, the “Now”. As the Universal Absolute or The Creator of All senses this slumbering consciousness of being, the natural quality of It’s harmonic nature brings the necessary forces to balance the resonance of the duality. Quantum Cosmic Unity is the foundation by which the evolution of this sensorial realism continues to propagate the perceived tragedies’ that happen and bring the vibration of the Global consciousness more into alignment with that which is the state of true existence, Quantum Cognition, within the Infinite Absolute. The continued imaginative visualization of tragedy and violence in media expression is infused into the cycle of the manifest matrix. The variant frequencies through Quantum Computational Algorithms move this process through the dimensional manifestive vibrations and create a parallel response to the continued imaginative allure of the sensationalism of the entertainment medium. This begin the manifestive process of the emotional vibration created in this well of feelings that is created through the speculative imaginative ideas of the collective creative consciousness of the multitudes that allow these conceptual experiences to influence daily emotions provided through this visual imagery of these probabilities of a sensorial realism. The Light that is present in the focused expressions of Divine Love, which is the root of expression of all Love and is experienced within the Quantum Lattice, is the same as that which emanates from the heart of all existence at the moment of Creation. Love is a multi-dimensional Quantum signature. Its essence is not that of the world of dualities and this Light and Love is visible only through the consciousness of Soul, the Quantum Cognitive Awareness of being, and this Light breathes life into this human existence and sustains the connection to the Divine illumination of this Love. In the illusionary world of dualities, the human modality in terms of “Quantum Syncopation” linguistic terminology, it takes this perceived great suffering, which is created by an incongruent energy/matter emotionality stream, for a recalibration of the quantum cognitive response and calling upon this “Light of Love” to initiate the restructuring of the agreed upon sensorial relative reality resonant frequencies bringing a balance back to our human emotive experience of Soul, the experiential quality of the quantum signature of the human modality. As Quantum Cognitive consciousness emerges the awareness and sensitivity to multi-dimensional frequencies of sight begins to influence the interface with the agreed upon sensorial response to daily variances. Harmonization together with quantum sensorial expression begins to manifest in the higher resolution of brainwave function allowing movement of frequencies to create inverse and trans-version overtones that stimulate the emotional response of lower cognitive bandwidth propagation. Achieving harmonization of all levels of the inner spiritual body vibrational frequencies align these bodies and brings the collective communication between all levels of existence to a harmonious expression. As the “Spiritual Quantum Cognitive Awareness” begins its multi-dimensional expediential expansive restructuring of the human bandwidth of visualization properties of the agreed upon sensorial realism the actual trans-version process influences the visual cortex response of the holographic universe that is experienced within the world of illusion, the Thin Veil of Maya, the Quantum Lattice of “Now” expressed through a Quantum Global Alignment.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Awareness of sub-Quantum Kernel Propagation

From the very beginning which some say does not exist, the essence of the no-thing, the true void that contained all possibilities, emerges into consciousness. This is the kernel of Quantum Probability. This is the emergence of that infinite condensed concepts of being that had no form but was all that could be and would be created from its own non-existence, the infinite ideas that are pondered by all that has transpire from this moment that is the “Now”. True existence is in the eternal beginning of “Now”. Through the haze of perceptibility, the vaporous fluidic energetic probabilities coalesce into crystallized accessible experiences within the agreed upon sensorial representation of the conceptualization of the human mode of perceptive existence.

Let’s stir the puddle.

If the operative aspects of perception, the physical known senses and any developed meta-physical abilities, are now privy to the variant frequencies of sensorial data translatable into a conscious moment, is the conception of the sensorial experience that which precipitates reality in itself? Like a fractal the sub quantum kernel is the seed of consciousness that propagates the true essence of realities beyond the perceived inter- actions in the finite dimension of the sensorial realisms. The harmonic vibration of the translative energy/matter stream creates the overtones experienced within the holography of conscious cognitive awareness in the time/space sense of beingness.

“It is a property of our perception that must remain constant but is forever changing to keep pace with its true origin that it has emerged from. Some believe this to be nothingness or an infinite, indescribable void and others sense that it has always existed and what has evolved within this force is of Its own perceptibility with multidimensional attributes, existence within non-existence, establishing the universal paradox that can only be answered through quantum conceptualization.”

Life in the simplest conscious acknowledgement provides a connectivity that creates a thread of truth that runs through all dimensions of awareness. Life in itself is complete and is a great concept of being that reaches far beyond any explanation or conclusive discussions that are carried on in philosophical conversations and varying scientific formula and equations of descriptive design. Existence it self is inherently alive without the human awareness, perception or evaluation to sustain it.

The arrogance of the limited human intellectual aspiration to define existence through the incomplete empirical data that has been accumulate in the short consciousness of its existence merely limits the untouched aspect of true knowingness held in the suspended quantum vibrational frequencies of life. Based upon the fractal conscious approach of examination, the further we draw back from or the deeper the search goes seeking a cognitive awareness of the singularity of the “Now” in its purest representation can be seen in the probabilities of the origins of the Eternal Absolute “Now”.

These parameters offer a beginning to the Quantum Cognitive Sense of awareness used to further the multi-dimensional aspects of Life itself. This becomes the sub-quantum kernel of propagation.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Quantum Computational Algorithmic Manifestive Functions

This is an energetic matter conversion process that is written in a translation linguistic data stream that is accessible on the quanta frequency level in the human modality that is processed through a quantum cognitive awareness (QCA) that is developing in the evolutionary mind scape of modern creative thought abilities. The possible and probable trans-version between energy and matter has been a speculative discourse upon which many theories have been written about in varying symbols of expression, physics, thermodynamics, psychic phenomenon, fantasy and quantum realities. These computations may take different appearances based in M-string or superstring relative temporal environments. Science of Mind, The Secret and the Ancient Alchemic belief systems had exhibited fundamental insights and produced basic algorithmic thought processes and its now within the Quantum awareness of the “Now” that the computational accuracy of psychic quantum bandwidths can begin to reach the computational speeds required for manifestive functions of energy/matter trans-version to have a practical probable outcome in a sensorial experiential sense. (Through the process of neural and the universal computational interface speeds of 10 to the 30th power are accessible. )It is the blending of the outer aspects of awareness and perceptive abilities of non-finite realism (Virtual mental constructs) that must maintain a frequency variant balance to traverse the fundamental conduit of the universal energetic life force fields that surround the perceptive abilities in the human modality (the imaginative intuitive)


Thought is proven to have influence over the outcome of some emotive occurrence that creates change in the tactile sensorial expressive experiences.

Mathematical language does provide true representation of the theoretical processes however the needed transformative harmonics have a limited range in which they are perceptible by the fundamental tactile energy particle and cohesive bonding that flows between the imaginative intuitive and the manifestive perceptive frequencies. All things in the tactile experience of “Now” have specific frequencies that are accessible to and through the sensorial quantum lattice. The realm of what is defined as thought is the initiatory mechanism that actuates algorithmic functions at primary energetic levels within the human modality. They can be configured into useable harmonics for the outward manifestive levels of the collective agreed upon sensorial relative realism, the actual trans- position of energy into physical matter. Quantum cognitive processing is the formational energetic lattice by which these algorithmic functions initiate the manifesting energy/matter trans-version loops needed to perceive the actuation of the desired effects on the sensorial perceived realism of the tactile universe. The complex harmonies of molecular, particle and dimensional superstring inductive vibration are all parts of that which creates a manifestive matter stream. The imaginative intuitive is capable of the trans-dimensional shifting to assist in trans-version process of this energy/matter probability. The skill set to accomplish this phenomenon is just beyond the cognitive mental abilities that are now present in the indigo consciousness.

The emotional energetic frequencies in the human modality must be well harmonized with the Divine representation of the Quanta energetic field of transformative speeds and acquisition nodes to bring together the necessary energetic vibratory frequencies to stimulate the tactile matter trans-version. Thought and linguistic utterances will initiate the fundamental key frequencies to bring this operative model into perceptive focus. What we think and how we express it in a manifestive language and being capable of holding a mental image with enough imaginative cohesiveness to affect molecular cohesion and energetic de-stabilization as well re-stabilization at the sub-atomic structural frequencies in a non-destructive-fusion variant vibrational range of energy/matter trans-version will propagate the sub-molecular revisions in the subsequent representative matter stream.

All things real do exist; therefore nothing unreal can exist within the QCA of a sensorial experiential “Now”. The algorithms that propagate this sensorial relative experience of the tangible perceptive “Now” are finely tuned frequency harmonics of the Quanta (all things measurable). The presence of The Divine is measured in the Infinite as the creative fabric of the Quanta.

If creation through the simple process of perception brings realness to the qualities of that which exist in this trans-dimensional processor, the imaginative intuitive, implementation is a process of the quanta matrix and finite energetic distribution of fundamental frequencies of the sub-quantum particle and harmonic strands for matter trans-version from the inner dimensional perceptibility to the outer manifestive perceptivities.

Holding a set of variables in the thought mind will influence the perceptive qualities of the human modality to affectively manipulate the vibrational and harmonic change of the energy/matter trans-version in the quantum lattice that operates in the relative sensorial perceptions. The energetic conversion lattice is accessible through existing aspects of the human/quanta interface developing in the indigo consciousness.

Is there a process within the human modality consciousness that is equivalent to cold fusion energetic release in the art of manifestation? Processing desire in a cognitive quantum creative energetic lattice will aid in the manifest trans-version of energetic imaginative focus into a matter formation, the Secret and Science of Mind have touch on the basic properties of these processes but have not provide a functional accessible template based upon Quantum Cognitive Awareness. The projection of cohesive matter from the focus of energies through Quantum psychic operative supra-consciousness is within the range of the integrated quantum/human modality, an aspect of that referred as indigo consciousness. As the strength of energetic flow of trans-versional frequencies gains a broader bandwidth and a singleness of projective focus is accomplished beyond the emotional awareness the required conscious focused formative stream becomes readily activated.

In accessing and focusing the imaginative spontaneous manifestive projection, the use of will power and control are not necessary and actually constrict the natural flow of the quanta at its purest frequencies and harmonics. Through Quantum Cognitive Awareness a harmonization of the energetic frequencies that bring together, into quantum subatomic molecular wave formation, the particles of matter and the energetic representation of an Absolute Unified Experience of the particles in the“Now”. In order to manifest or create a tangible representation the fundamental frequency response of the expression, there must be created perceptual overtones that can be accessed by the human sub-systems of awareness, those of the five accepted sensorial explanations of the tactile universality that the human modality is programmed to respond to.

Receptive Awareness - Projective Acceptance creates Atmospheric Experiences

It’s known that to release energy from matter it is most times destructive to the source material that is converted to the energy out put, thermodynamic or nuclear. Energy-to-matter requires, in concept, the ability to create cohesive bonds from the fundamental particle and energetic strands of the quanta into that which is being manifested. Re-setting the quantum magnetic spin, polarities, frequencies and strand harmonics is processed through the focus of Quantum relative reality consciousness as a lens focuses a light source. The correct molecular sums and cohesive connections require precise harmonic frequencies to produce tangible relative perceptive experiential release from the intuitive creative inner nodes.

Creation by Thought