Monday, March 29, 2010

The Awareness of sub-Quantum Kernel Propagation

From the very beginning which some say does not exist, the essence of the no-thing, the true void that contained all possibilities, emerges into consciousness. This is the kernel of Quantum Probability. This is the emergence of that infinite condensed concepts of being that had no form but was all that could be and would be created from its own non-existence, the infinite ideas that are pondered by all that has transpire from this moment that is the “Now”. True existence is in the eternal beginning of “Now”. Through the haze of perceptibility, the vaporous fluidic energetic probabilities coalesce into crystallized accessible experiences within the agreed upon sensorial representation of the conceptualization of the human mode of perceptive existence.

Let’s stir the puddle.

If the operative aspects of perception, the physical known senses and any developed meta-physical abilities, are now privy to the variant frequencies of sensorial data translatable into a conscious moment, is the conception of the sensorial experience that which precipitates reality in itself? Like a fractal the sub quantum kernel is the seed of consciousness that propagates the true essence of realities beyond the perceived inter- actions in the finite dimension of the sensorial realisms. The harmonic vibration of the translative energy/matter stream creates the overtones experienced within the holography of conscious cognitive awareness in the time/space sense of beingness.

“It is a property of our perception that must remain constant but is forever changing to keep pace with its true origin that it has emerged from. Some believe this to be nothingness or an infinite, indescribable void and others sense that it has always existed and what has evolved within this force is of Its own perceptibility with multidimensional attributes, existence within non-existence, establishing the universal paradox that can only be answered through quantum conceptualization.”

Life in the simplest conscious acknowledgement provides a connectivity that creates a thread of truth that runs through all dimensions of awareness. Life in itself is complete and is a great concept of being that reaches far beyond any explanation or conclusive discussions that are carried on in philosophical conversations and varying scientific formula and equations of descriptive design. Existence it self is inherently alive without the human awareness, perception or evaluation to sustain it.

The arrogance of the limited human intellectual aspiration to define existence through the incomplete empirical data that has been accumulate in the short consciousness of its existence merely limits the untouched aspect of true knowingness held in the suspended quantum vibrational frequencies of life. Based upon the fractal conscious approach of examination, the further we draw back from or the deeper the search goes seeking a cognitive awareness of the singularity of the “Now” in its purest representation can be seen in the probabilities of the origins of the Eternal Absolute “Now”.

These parameters offer a beginning to the Quantum Cognitive Sense of awareness used to further the multi-dimensional aspects of Life itself. This becomes the sub-quantum kernel of propagation.

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