Monday, February 9, 2009

A Little More To Know About Me!

The direction and logic, sometimes illogic, that I have followed has, however provided a door into a perceptual consciousness that can observe these phenomenons through something that does energize and show that there is reasonable proof that all these processes are inter-connected in a perceptual reality that has slowly begun to materialize. I have found that what knowledge (perceptions) that I have experienced gives rise to a non-finite view of all that we consider to be fact and a fundamental truth that this temporal material experienced existence has been agreed upon, somewhere deep within our collective consciousness and perceptions, as a unified or cosmic universal observation of creation itself. It is from a supra-conscious state that a new light of knowingness brings forward in what has been coined as, the collective unconscious, an energetic conclusions that the perceived cosmos and universe is mutable and somewhat dependant on some area of this collective consciousness that is shared by we the observers.

When I was a growing mass of atoms, nucleoli, peptides and genetic material programmed by a DNA mainframe, traveling through an accepted perception of my experiences, O.K. a small human, my first great cosmic and universal conquest was a walk around the block from my bases of operation, home. Like the first adventure of a world society, you remember when the world was still flat; I also followed something that told me more of what the truth was than the accepted perceptions of the non-unified awareness of reality as it was believed to be at that time. By the way what was discovered when people ventured across the vast expanse of the oceans was a consciousness in an indigenous people that knew more of this planets real nature than those that had just conquered their greatest fear in traveling across a vast unknown, the ocean, which was their accepted perception of the material existence, the world, as they were told by the great minds of that time. Other simple discoveries, such as the earth was not the center of that universe as well as the true meaning of gravity (which is still under investigation) and so on etcetera.

My personal transformation and application of much of what I have sought to understand in the changing of the perceived truth of the senses was very simple. In junior high school I fancied myself a basketball player because my physical experience told me I could do it. It failed. However the same consciousness that guides me in this quest related within this paper allowed me to lay those perceptions aside and later in high school became a successful player. In my perceived experience of the linear temporal progression of consciousness, living life day by day, I can offer more empirical data based upon the re-evaluation of my life experiences, that can lead one to believe that all we perceives is subject to change if the universal accepted processes are allow to evolve beyond a finite acceptance into a quantum founded experience of all that is perceived to be the adhered too reality of our being.

How far back was I being prepared for “Now”? (Now___ A perceptive temporal framework of reference that brings awareness to all quantum values of explanations and alignment of multidimensional visualization to a limited human spatial perceptive understanding) At the age of eleven I experienced my first awakening to joy as a foundation for living. Over the years it has become more defined as excepting life as it is and provides the avenue of making change to that life on the quantum level. I knew that this profound feeling within me would have to gestate in the temporal sense but in a quantum sense it has just occurred and is part of the perception of “Now” that I was experiencing during that temporal moment. Going through my drug addiction phase and having dreamed of it being a journey ending by walking through a spiritual doorway to knowingness was one more aspect of this journey. I find truth in this because I have memories of knowing about the Tarot and drawing pictures of the cards at age seven in 3rd grade and later becoming an avid tarot reader and astrologer. Learning the art of healing by sitting in church and watching the minister brings the Holy Spirit into people’s heart with quite dynamic results.

This quantum consciousness process is providing insight and correlation to a singleness of experience, beingness and knowingness that these perceptions have been orchestrated in this moment of “Now” from the early process of seeing Joy in all that life brings. The experience of a sense of being unlock from a linear temporal perception and consciousness in every molecule of thought and bringing the awareness of all possibilities into alignment without a need for great discernment between their validity and placing any value of suspicion on the need for that discernment provides the first step of acceptance and release. Seeing that all the variables match the quantum modality of the inner resonance of beingness and knowingness that has been placed into a temporal formula to better express the oneness of being, is a centrifugal synergectic force that has no foundation nor easily delineated starting point in any perceptive abilities except for those that do not correlate with theoretical imprisonment of Newtonian physics, relativity displacement, religious doctrine, dogma and quantum collapse speculation.

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