Thursday, February 5, 2009

Way back in 1900, physicist Max Planck wrote a mathematical formula, on a postcard to a friend, that introduced to the world the notion of tiny, discrete bundles of energy, which behaved both as waves and as particles, and came to be known as quanta. This formula has become the basis of quantum physics, the strange new science that tells us reality is discontinuous and deeply paradoxical---a reality that doesn't follow the cause and effect rules of our ordinary empirical science.
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Quantum Emotional Cosmology

This paper is written from a view point of the creative mind broaching the scientific boundaries of speculations and theoretical phenomenon that shapes the reality that lies beyond our waking minds. To allow emotions to be at the foundation toward a greater understanding of deeper mysteries in our Spiritual energies that are fundamental to the search for truth and light, there should be a point of beginning that exist where they had to have been defined into that which we accepted universality, until resent years as truth and fundamental view points of the manifest material existence we call life has begun to change into quantum understanding.

As we seek to find greater knowingness within ourselves of that which is at the foundation of our sense of being, a source of the infinite in this very finite universe, we venture into an understanding of that which is readily available to quantify and make it relative to our way of perceiving through the finite senses. Our emotionality, which we consider to be a valuable tool, is one of the abilities we use to help guide our perceptions. These emotions are still in there infant stage as far as our understanding of their use and ability to shape and govern our interface with this finite realm of beingness. When not guided by the infinite awareness of Soul, a subjective title and explanation for a self that is not confined to this temporal existence, these emotions are just outside the range of the instinct of our lower humanness consider to be no more than an evolved animal consciousness. Instinct provides us with a way to survive in the environment of the worlds of duality, the proven and the speculative, the finite and the infinite, and if you would have it, good and evil (truths that at some point were not socially accepted or scientifically provable), social order and the secrets of the universe, and our soul consciousness provides us with the ability to see beyond the chaotic input and reactionary experience of this environment. In this modern day world of scientific discovery it is only now, in the last hundred years, that we begin to apply the same principles of discovery and release that have been seen as a somewhat divine possibility through the aspects of Quantum analysis. Release being a letting go of subjective conclusions because most physical facts today are mutable and temporary when viewed in the quantum modality.

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