Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Universal DNA Cosmic Intelligence

The Quanta of The Essence of Being

Quantum Harmonics


Music of The Spheres

In these writing is the essence of the harmonic change that is refocusing life force energies. The affect on neural pathway allows the unification of aspects of knowingness to align and open the human modality to perceive the resonant frequencies of a balanced and completely unified universal awareness. This Quantum Symphonic treatise is design to give what is so lightly referred as Love, which is the root tone to these harmonics that modulate the tonal resonance of “Now”, to a more accessible resonant frequency of reception directly into the Quanta of the human modality awareness of the Cosmic moment of “Now”. Each level of awareness is a specific harmonic in this symphony, from prehistoric music of primate evolution to the spiritual search of Gregorian Chants, the intellectual awareness in the renaissance of western music to the spiritual enlightenment of Vedic chants and the Ragas of East Indian awareness of the “Now”. In modern times the formation of sound through the manipulation of electrical current into audible impulse and wave forms to the cognizant experience of the universal sound current vibrations or Music of The Spheres. It weaves the tapestry that lifts the human modality into the realm of Quantum harmonics that allows a greater flow of the music of Life Force Energetics into those perceptive abilities. DNA strands act as one of many tuning forks that bring the new harmonies into the human modality. They expand and contract creating the harmonic rhythmic pulsations of what is call evolution. The consciousness of “Soul” awareness is the transmitter of these frequencies that are heard in the vibrations sensed by the subtle bodies that emanate through the chakra systems which correlates with endocrine glandular system and organs in the physicality of the human modality. Is it possible to take the basic human linguistic process to the level of computational access and accuracy in normal communicative conversation skills? Can we express the exact meaning of our perceptive thoughts in the “Now”? Is it possible to express the Music of The Spheres heard by the “Cosmic Heart” or what is referred to as “Soul”? The mental capabilities of the human modality is said not to have the abilities to peer into what is referred to as the God worlds, a state of knowingness and release from reaction and/or instinctual emotive response to the human modality of experience. The chaos is on and the Quantum cognitive process brings all aspects of being to the beginning that is the Quantum Recapitulation of the Absolute being present in all that is perceive in all harmonics of awareness. Spirituality is a term in the linguistic data base that describes this process and its nature requires that it be conceived as a Mystery which drives this human modality of self propelled intellectual pursuit of knowing that which is inconceivable to the rudimentary intelligence used in the human modality of examination. Having the universal DNA of cognitive awareness, the Quantum Syncopation, activated through the search for understanding in the human modality creates the vortex that receives what is offered from the simple yet illusive term, The God Worlds.

Along these lines there is a wealth of empirical knowledge about the use of life force energetic that maintains the cohesive nature of the sensorial expression of life in the human modality. The universal presence of being stored in the genetic codes of what is referred to as the DNA chains that program the human experience. In the spiritual sense they are ultra subtle frequencies translations of this Life Force that manifest other dimensional relative realisms. DNA is a formation of organic material that has a very specific vibratory frequency that aids in the process of delivering information about the construction of the human physicality. In turn it also carries a cosmic frequency that is capable of delivering the fundamental knowledge and awareness of the foundations of creation itself, the essence of Life Force Universal Energetics. In the probable manifest relative realities it is seen as a key molecular component to the structure of the human physicality construct. As the Absolute gains definition of Itself with in Itself which is described as “Soul” conscious life in the universal cognitive data base and in this human modality it is described in the functioning of the manifest relative realism coined as life. Sharing the evolution of knowingness is seen through the manifestation of the ability to communication in human real time in what, in the temporal sense, is just a few second through the variant frequency exchange of data through speech as the transmitter and listening the receptive devise. Cell phones and instant messaging over the internet are common examples of this phenomenon being amplified over great distances. These too are just frequencies that need the translation matrix of electronic devises to experience the information being exchanged. The meta-physical properties of the human modality have full capability of the exchange without the aid of these cumbersome devise. In the psychic studies its call telepathy. (Telepathy (Greek τηλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθεια, patheia meaning "to be affected by", refers to the transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five senses (See Psi). The term was coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Fredric W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research, specifically to replace the earlier expression thought-transference. A person who is able to make use of telepathy is said to be able to read the thoughts and stored information in the brain of others. Telepathy, along with psychokinesis forms the main branches of parapsychological research, and many studies seeking to detect, understand, utilize telepathy have been done within the field.) A simple accessible definition would be that of developing the inner sensitivity to receive and send these variant frequencies with out the need for the amplification device of the electronic age. Recalibrating the psycho-physical sensory pathways that comprise the abilities, in the physical human modality, to generate a strong enough mental signals that can be received by another receptive neural pathway in similarly configured recalibrated consciousness. The qualities of emotionality are an aberrant frequency that is somewhat disruptive unless well calibrated not to overcharge the communication of exchange of the pertinent data that is desired to be shared. A greater understanding of the true essence of these frequencies called emotions is just now being refocused through the thousands of year of experience in the Spiritual communities that that offer respite from the on going dualistic process of emotional expression. (Reference: Quantum Emotionality and Quantum Emotional Cosmology)

The Music of The Sphere, as it has been referred to, is the vibrational frequencies of the Cosmic Universal DNA construct that wholes the Secrets of understanding and knowledge while the journey continues through the human modality of perception and response to the Life Force Energetic that provide the cognitive “Now”. Seeing that which is imperceptible to Human Modality becomes perceptible once a state of Quantum Awareness is initiated by the excitement of Universal DNA harmonics of being, a tuning of the waking consciousness to the Music of The Spheres. Developing this frequency of the perception in the Human Modality opens the neural pathways to the same nature that is provided by the receptivity used in telepathic exchange. Though in the Spirituals sensibility it is referred to as a God Consciousness.

The inner communication with the frequencies of vibrational access to make change within the human physical modality can be achieved through the same process as those of the telepathic nature of the meta-physical journey that is sought through Spiritual access of what is refereed to as the inner worlds of consciousness. Genetic codes are simple vibrations that can be shifted with that proper understanding of frequency response on the Quantum Cognitive levels of awareness. The proper inner balances have been obscured by the emotional veil of observation and response rather that the Quantum Awareness of observation and release.

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