Saturday, November 7, 2009

Explanation to Understanding This Process

Harmonic Quantum Resonance of Truth Linguistic encoding of knowledge or its applied informative vibration (Wisdom) is created through a field of Quantum Syncopation. As the intellectual pathways or neural frequencies are restructured by the continual exposure to and the examination of word patterns and rhythms, which are the foundation of its communication and they are rebalanced to a relative subject matter or defining parameter of the communication, the wisdom or knowingness within the communication begins to coalesced into acceptable informative data frequencies. This is a different process of empirical construct for furthering the perceptive actualization of the communication from beyond what has been referred to as The Music of The Spheres (Quantum Harmonics). Each spiritual transformation of the human modality is set in to motion by a transition and birth of “Truth”. Celestial alignments, extreme psychic upheavals, great comings of Avatars and Saviors and Holy Men in all areas of belief emerge. The scientific communities announce the new findings that bring a new and greater understanding to the complete relevance of Creation and the Universe.

Does acceptance foster transcendence?
If one sees the world through a God conscious state, all that occurs is a part of a Divine plan. The human emotional response system tends to over ride any Spiritual awareness that we may establish at any time. It’s merely that process of the breath between heart beats that carries the connectivity to the Divine essence of being that is the foundation of existence. We are not created in the image of our mental struggles but as in the Spiritual adage, in the image of that which is creation itself. In the process of Quantum Cognitive insight, we are a part of all that surrounds us. Every atom, molecule and frequency vibration that stimulates the perceptive machinery that we call consciousness is an aspect of that awareness call creation. Start the day with thoughts or visions that lighten the heart Before you tussle with the emotional occurrence you Encounter in the worlds perception of itself according to the media. Unconditionality treats participation in gestation manifestation Cosmology is the Transformational Journey Wisdom is mention as a possible directive of linguistic modulation (speech) transference of understanding and Wisdom in its purest use is founded in truisms which are seemingly relative to “Truth” itself. Mere fact is not the illustration of truth that is sought after when it is defined as and used for knowledge. The foundation of Cosmic and Universal “Truth” are as mutable as the conceived laws that govern the observance of the manifest relative realism that we experience through the sensorial perceptive process. Spirit is a descriptive vibrational frequency that allows an operative interface with the fundamental matrix that define “Truth” as does that empirical universal data that governs the perceptive experience of “The Now”. That which is given the definition of Soul brings this experience of “truth” in to the perceived vibrational range of the manifest relative realism, the human modality. The essence of “truth” does not rely upon definitions being as does “fact” which governs the parameter of the experiential perception of the relative realism of the sensorial interface with the cosmos. “Truth” has a matrix of existence and non-existence and must be held in balance to manifest its fundamental experiential frequency of beingness. When we continue to seek “Truth”, It in itself resides in the “Now” of creation. “Truth is always at rest within the heart of the Absolute.”

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