Sunday, December 13, 2009

More of Truth


Quantum Physics is a Beginning of Spiritual Universal Cosmic Cognitive Understanding

Spirituality Necessitates the Process of Quantum Physics to Codify Universal Cosmic Truth

Quantum Physics is a Methodology of Precise Calibration of the Variable Awareness That Governs the Tangible Experience of The Divine in the Spirituality of The Human Modality

Life is an essence of beingness that exist beyond the simple comprehension of the mental abilities of the non – quantum cognitive examination process. The energetic representation coiled within the mortal shell of the human modality is however in harmony with the complete frequency and variant bandwidths of the Absolute in the eternal sense of this experience. When people continually express the inability to wrap their mind around these approaches, it’s a simple fact that it does not fit within the mental perceptive parameters. Fact does not always represent the precipitation of “Truth”.

The physicality of the human experience is connected to and flows from the same source as the inner peace that comes when we rest in the heart of Creation (meditation). The human cognitive experience, as said before, is unable to encompass the quantum awareness that is presented in what is define as the Absolute, God, Creation and/or Universal Cosmic Consciousness by it’s mental perceptivity. However; in its resonance and frequencies are harmonics of that eternal awareness and consciousness of existence beyond the accepted sensorial process of perception of its beingness as Life in the “Now”.

In the force and magnetic field that is created with these vast Internet social networks is a true energetic process that could manifest all that will change this relative reality that we call life on this planet and continue to be constructed within each emotion, fantasy, fear, doubt, hope and loving expression of appreciation. Anyone up to the challenge of trying to make this great experiment happen? Just for five minutes post nothing but uplifting and affirming messages once a week. Let us harness the true Quantum potential of all the minds and emotional energies that we chatter with and create the world as it is meant to be, a chorus of billions of hearts and minds singing in harmonies that precipitate change and constructive growth in the collective aware consciousness of those who choose to be ready.

Where do thoughts go when they’re not being used? When we speak of being unconscious where is that which defines our experience of the moment? The quanta is always present in an active modality and it is that part of what we define as consciousness that is the eternal “Now” of being.

Harmonious Thoughts of Acceptance and Understanding equals

A Capacity for a Full Life

Truth is a conglomeration of expressions that are our reactions to the occurrences in each moment and breathe that express life.

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