Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tactile Spirituality

Tactile Spirituality: a complete sensorial awareness of that which is considered to be non-accessible in the human modality’s fundamental experience of the "Now". Quantum cognitive sensibility is a progressive process toward understanding that which is left to be defined by the term Spirituality. Ancient sages, Avatars and Holy Men spent much time with disciples to create an awareness of that which is referred to as the inner worlds of the Spirit. The "truth" of the actualization of the Divine in the daily sensorial process is and has always been a part of what living in a "sense of true life" essence and existence in the universal Quantum Cognitive Realisms (QCR). Sri Auribindo gathered together a community of conscious cognitive quantum individuals that lived in a spiritually advanced community while in the human modality continues in the pedantic fashion of the relative sensorial realities, accomplishing the needed daily task of living each day while living a God conscious existence (QCR) of the “Now”.

Indigo consciousness....The ability to respond from the Quantum Cognitive Awareness

This awareness has shaped the higher conscious realms of this planet for hundreds of years and it is only now that it has moved to fore-front of global attention. It is a frequency of knowledge that comprehends non-spatial aspects of being that do not appear in the waking consciousness of the human modality of actions. It is seen mostly in children in current times but has been present in the evolving spiritual consciousness of many advance souls that have past this way. The DNA that creates the harmonic for this awareness has been veiled until the root tone of awakening was struck by the circumstance of today’s society and the pertinent fundamental awareness created by the up-surge of the indigo Spiritual consciousness over that last five decades. The duality of the perceptive experience provides the normal waking consciousness of the human process to act in a harmonic reflective balance (As Above, So Below) to the Divine which exist in a stillness that is some what impenetrable by the limited sensorial range of the human modality of perception and process. The Indigo wave of clarity that is active within the inner realms of awareness produces activities in the heart of the human modality concepts that can be express through daily actions via this connection to the multi-dimensional Quantum realism that produces a tactile Spiritual experience. This being manifested in this relative sensorial realism of the human modality is a phenomenon of the current surge in Spirituality that is bringing a balance to the energies of the planet. To truly manifest an experience of this type a quantum shift in the global consciousness, It first must be awaken and judging from the current global conditions, the cosmic phone call has been made and it needs to be answered.

We Are All Connected, So We Must Treat Each Other Right Continuously

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting indeed, I have long held that a Transconceptual Vocabulary is necessary in order to discuss the Absolute value of self, and you folks seem to be well on the way to nearing that objective.

    Now all we need is a Unified Field Theory of consciousness and we will be all set. I might just happen to have such a thing but my math skill are too poor to express it mathematically but I can talk about it since word-smithing is the only option left to me...

    Keep up the good work folks!!!
