Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Quantum Lattice

The Thin Veil of Maya

(We Are All Connected and We Must Treat Each Other Right)

Conceptualize infinite harmonic strands of energetic resonance that binds and penetrates both existence and the fabric of the Spirit World (that which is unseen but exists just beyond the human cognitive range of awareness; the Quantum Universe) Infinite possibilities of quantum cognition manifest in the human modality as finite probabilities. Processing the response to the agreed upon sensorial realism through this Quantum Lattice provides an inter-connectivity of energetic consciousness that does directly effect the manifestive quantum universal field of perception. This connectivity is a tool that is offered through the Spiritual quest to allow the combine consciousness in the human modality to produce sensorial affects of perception on the relative realism that surrounds the tactile interface.

Let’s examine the superstring theory (Superstring theory is an attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory by modeling them as vibrations of tiny super symmetric strings.) in terms of a non-symmetrical lattice rather than an equated proportionate field of energy. The random intersections would provide a greater probability curve as an explanation to varying approaches to multiple universal possibilities in each approximate sensorial experience of “Now”. This provides for the great variances, yet similar, process of perception in the human modality. Speaking in terms of perceptibility of varying frequencies of “Now”, which only exist just outside the temporal experience of conception, of that which is perceived in the human modality as reality which is relative to the universality of a Quantum cognitive consciousness. At best the agreed upon sensorial representation of the infinite “Now” is a random confluence of speculative data and emotion in the human modality. The collective essence in the Quantum Lattice that binds the non-linear aspect of a perceivable multidimensional multi-verse that is accessible in a Quantum cognitive aware state precipitates an experience of the “true” existence of “Now” which exist in what is referred to as the Spirit realms (that which is a foundation to existence with non-existence as the essence of its make-up).

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