Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tactile Spirituality

Tactile Spirituality: a complete sensorial awareness of that which is considered to be non-accessible in the human modality’s fundamental experience of the "Now". Quantum cognitive sensibility is a progressive process toward understanding that which is left to be defined by the term Spirituality. Ancient sages, Avatars and Holy Men spent much time with disciples to create an awareness of that which is referred to as the inner worlds of the Spirit. The "truth" of the actualization of the Divine in the daily sensorial process is and has always been a part of what living in a "sense of true life" essence and existence in the universal Quantum Cognitive Realisms (QCR). Sri Auribindo gathered together a community of conscious cognitive quantum individuals that lived in a spiritually advanced community while in the human modality continues in the pedantic fashion of the relative sensorial realities, accomplishing the needed daily task of living each day while living a God conscious existence (QCR) of the “Now”.

Indigo consciousness....The ability to respond from the Quantum Cognitive Awareness

This awareness has shaped the higher conscious realms of this planet for hundreds of years and it is only now that it has moved to fore-front of global attention. It is a frequency of knowledge that comprehends non-spatial aspects of being that do not appear in the waking consciousness of the human modality of actions. It is seen mostly in children in current times but has been present in the evolving spiritual consciousness of many advance souls that have past this way. The DNA that creates the harmonic for this awareness has been veiled until the root tone of awakening was struck by the circumstance of today’s society and the pertinent fundamental awareness created by the up-surge of the indigo Spiritual consciousness over that last five decades. The duality of the perceptive experience provides the normal waking consciousness of the human process to act in a harmonic reflective balance (As Above, So Below) to the Divine which exist in a stillness that is some what impenetrable by the limited sensorial range of the human modality of perception and process. The Indigo wave of clarity that is active within the inner realms of awareness produces activities in the heart of the human modality concepts that can be express through daily actions via this connection to the multi-dimensional Quantum realism that produces a tactile Spiritual experience. This being manifested in this relative sensorial realism of the human modality is a phenomenon of the current surge in Spirituality that is bringing a balance to the energies of the planet. To truly manifest an experience of this type a quantum shift in the global consciousness, It first must be awaken and judging from the current global conditions, the cosmic phone call has been made and it needs to be answered.

We Are All Connected, So We Must Treat Each Other Right Continuously

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Quantum Lattice

The Thin Veil of Maya

(We Are All Connected and We Must Treat Each Other Right)

Conceptualize infinite harmonic strands of energetic resonance that binds and penetrates both existence and the fabric of the Spirit World (that which is unseen but exists just beyond the human cognitive range of awareness; the Quantum Universe) Infinite possibilities of quantum cognition manifest in the human modality as finite probabilities. Processing the response to the agreed upon sensorial realism through this Quantum Lattice provides an inter-connectivity of energetic consciousness that does directly effect the manifestive quantum universal field of perception. This connectivity is a tool that is offered through the Spiritual quest to allow the combine consciousness in the human modality to produce sensorial affects of perception on the relative realism that surrounds the tactile interface.

Let’s examine the superstring theory (Superstring theory is an attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory by modeling them as vibrations of tiny super symmetric strings.) in terms of a non-symmetrical lattice rather than an equated proportionate field of energy. The random intersections would provide a greater probability curve as an explanation to varying approaches to multiple universal possibilities in each approximate sensorial experience of “Now”. This provides for the great variances, yet similar, process of perception in the human modality. Speaking in terms of perceptibility of varying frequencies of “Now”, which only exist just outside the temporal experience of conception, of that which is perceived in the human modality as reality which is relative to the universality of a Quantum cognitive consciousness. At best the agreed upon sensorial representation of the infinite “Now” is a random confluence of speculative data and emotion in the human modality. The collective essence in the Quantum Lattice that binds the non-linear aspect of a perceivable multidimensional multi-verse that is accessible in a Quantum cognitive aware state precipitates an experience of the “true” existence of “Now” which exist in what is referred to as the Spirit realms (that which is a foundation to existence with non-existence as the essence of its make-up).

Sunday, December 13, 2009

More of Truth


Quantum Physics is a Beginning of Spiritual Universal Cosmic Cognitive Understanding

Spirituality Necessitates the Process of Quantum Physics to Codify Universal Cosmic Truth

Quantum Physics is a Methodology of Precise Calibration of the Variable Awareness That Governs the Tangible Experience of The Divine in the Spirituality of The Human Modality

Life is an essence of beingness that exist beyond the simple comprehension of the mental abilities of the non – quantum cognitive examination process. The energetic representation coiled within the mortal shell of the human modality is however in harmony with the complete frequency and variant bandwidths of the Absolute in the eternal sense of this experience. When people continually express the inability to wrap their mind around these approaches, it’s a simple fact that it does not fit within the mental perceptive parameters. Fact does not always represent the precipitation of “Truth”.

The physicality of the human experience is connected to and flows from the same source as the inner peace that comes when we rest in the heart of Creation (meditation). The human cognitive experience, as said before, is unable to encompass the quantum awareness that is presented in what is define as the Absolute, God, Creation and/or Universal Cosmic Consciousness by it’s mental perceptivity. However; in its resonance and frequencies are harmonics of that eternal awareness and consciousness of existence beyond the accepted sensorial process of perception of its beingness as Life in the “Now”.

In the force and magnetic field that is created with these vast Internet social networks is a true energetic process that could manifest all that will change this relative reality that we call life on this planet and continue to be constructed within each emotion, fantasy, fear, doubt, hope and loving expression of appreciation. Anyone up to the challenge of trying to make this great experiment happen? Just for five minutes post nothing but uplifting and affirming messages once a week. Let us harness the true Quantum potential of all the minds and emotional energies that we chatter with and create the world as it is meant to be, a chorus of billions of hearts and minds singing in harmonies that precipitate change and constructive growth in the collective aware consciousness of those who choose to be ready.

Where do thoughts go when they’re not being used? When we speak of being unconscious where is that which defines our experience of the moment? The quanta is always present in an active modality and it is that part of what we define as consciousness that is the eternal “Now” of being.

Harmonious Thoughts of Acceptance and Understanding equals

A Capacity for a Full Life

Truth is a conglomeration of expressions that are our reactions to the occurrences in each moment and breathe that express life.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Explanation to Understanding This Process

Harmonic Quantum Resonance of Truth Linguistic encoding of knowledge or its applied informative vibration (Wisdom) is created through a field of Quantum Syncopation. As the intellectual pathways or neural frequencies are restructured by the continual exposure to and the examination of word patterns and rhythms, which are the foundation of its communication and they are rebalanced to a relative subject matter or defining parameter of the communication, the wisdom or knowingness within the communication begins to coalesced into acceptable informative data frequencies. This is a different process of empirical construct for furthering the perceptive actualization of the communication from beyond what has been referred to as The Music of The Spheres (Quantum Harmonics). Each spiritual transformation of the human modality is set in to motion by a transition and birth of “Truth”. Celestial alignments, extreme psychic upheavals, great comings of Avatars and Saviors and Holy Men in all areas of belief emerge. The scientific communities announce the new findings that bring a new and greater understanding to the complete relevance of Creation and the Universe.

Does acceptance foster transcendence?
If one sees the world through a God conscious state, all that occurs is a part of a Divine plan. The human emotional response system tends to over ride any Spiritual awareness that we may establish at any time. It’s merely that process of the breath between heart beats that carries the connectivity to the Divine essence of being that is the foundation of existence. We are not created in the image of our mental struggles but as in the Spiritual adage, in the image of that which is creation itself. In the process of Quantum Cognitive insight, we are a part of all that surrounds us. Every atom, molecule and frequency vibration that stimulates the perceptive machinery that we call consciousness is an aspect of that awareness call creation. Start the day with thoughts or visions that lighten the heart Before you tussle with the emotional occurrence you Encounter in the worlds perception of itself according to the media. Unconditionality treats participation in gestation manifestation Cosmology is the Transformational Journey Wisdom is mention as a possible directive of linguistic modulation (speech) transference of understanding and Wisdom in its purest use is founded in truisms which are seemingly relative to “Truth” itself. Mere fact is not the illustration of truth that is sought after when it is defined as and used for knowledge. The foundation of Cosmic and Universal “Truth” are as mutable as the conceived laws that govern the observance of the manifest relative realism that we experience through the sensorial perceptive process. Spirit is a descriptive vibrational frequency that allows an operative interface with the fundamental matrix that define “Truth” as does that empirical universal data that governs the perceptive experience of “The Now”. That which is given the definition of Soul brings this experience of “truth” in to the perceived vibrational range of the manifest relative realism, the human modality. The essence of “truth” does not rely upon definitions being as does “fact” which governs the parameter of the experiential perception of the relative realism of the sensorial interface with the cosmos. “Truth” has a matrix of existence and non-existence and must be held in balance to manifest its fundamental experiential frequency of beingness. When we continue to seek “Truth”, It in itself resides in the “Now” of creation. “Truth is always at rest within the heart of the Absolute.”

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Universal DNA Cosmic Intelligence

The Quanta of The Essence of Being

Quantum Harmonics


Music of The Spheres

In these writing is the essence of the harmonic change that is refocusing life force energies. The affect on neural pathway allows the unification of aspects of knowingness to align and open the human modality to perceive the resonant frequencies of a balanced and completely unified universal awareness. This Quantum Symphonic treatise is design to give what is so lightly referred as Love, which is the root tone to these harmonics that modulate the tonal resonance of “Now”, to a more accessible resonant frequency of reception directly into the Quanta of the human modality awareness of the Cosmic moment of “Now”. Each level of awareness is a specific harmonic in this symphony, from prehistoric music of primate evolution to the spiritual search of Gregorian Chants, the intellectual awareness in the renaissance of western music to the spiritual enlightenment of Vedic chants and the Ragas of East Indian awareness of the “Now”. In modern times the formation of sound through the manipulation of electrical current into audible impulse and wave forms to the cognizant experience of the universal sound current vibrations or Music of The Spheres. It weaves the tapestry that lifts the human modality into the realm of Quantum harmonics that allows a greater flow of the music of Life Force Energetics into those perceptive abilities. DNA strands act as one of many tuning forks that bring the new harmonies into the human modality. They expand and contract creating the harmonic rhythmic pulsations of what is call evolution. The consciousness of “Soul” awareness is the transmitter of these frequencies that are heard in the vibrations sensed by the subtle bodies that emanate through the chakra systems which correlates with endocrine glandular system and organs in the physicality of the human modality. Is it possible to take the basic human linguistic process to the level of computational access and accuracy in normal communicative conversation skills? Can we express the exact meaning of our perceptive thoughts in the “Now”? Is it possible to express the Music of The Spheres heard by the “Cosmic Heart” or what is referred to as “Soul”? The mental capabilities of the human modality is said not to have the abilities to peer into what is referred to as the God worlds, a state of knowingness and release from reaction and/or instinctual emotive response to the human modality of experience. The chaos is on and the Quantum cognitive process brings all aspects of being to the beginning that is the Quantum Recapitulation of the Absolute being present in all that is perceive in all harmonics of awareness. Spirituality is a term in the linguistic data base that describes this process and its nature requires that it be conceived as a Mystery which drives this human modality of self propelled intellectual pursuit of knowing that which is inconceivable to the rudimentary intelligence used in the human modality of examination. Having the universal DNA of cognitive awareness, the Quantum Syncopation, activated through the search for understanding in the human modality creates the vortex that receives what is offered from the simple yet illusive term, The God Worlds.

Along these lines there is a wealth of empirical knowledge about the use of life force energetic that maintains the cohesive nature of the sensorial expression of life in the human modality. The universal presence of being stored in the genetic codes of what is referred to as the DNA chains that program the human experience. In the spiritual sense they are ultra subtle frequencies translations of this Life Force that manifest other dimensional relative realisms. DNA is a formation of organic material that has a very specific vibratory frequency that aids in the process of delivering information about the construction of the human physicality. In turn it also carries a cosmic frequency that is capable of delivering the fundamental knowledge and awareness of the foundations of creation itself, the essence of Life Force Universal Energetics. In the probable manifest relative realities it is seen as a key molecular component to the structure of the human physicality construct. As the Absolute gains definition of Itself with in Itself which is described as “Soul” conscious life in the universal cognitive data base and in this human modality it is described in the functioning of the manifest relative realism coined as life. Sharing the evolution of knowingness is seen through the manifestation of the ability to communication in human real time in what, in the temporal sense, is just a few second through the variant frequency exchange of data through speech as the transmitter and listening the receptive devise. Cell phones and instant messaging over the internet are common examples of this phenomenon being amplified over great distances. These too are just frequencies that need the translation matrix of electronic devises to experience the information being exchanged. The meta-physical properties of the human modality have full capability of the exchange without the aid of these cumbersome devise. In the psychic studies its call telepathy. (Telepathy (Greek τηλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθεια, patheia meaning "to be affected by", refers to the transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five senses (See Psi). The term was coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Fredric W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research, specifically to replace the earlier expression thought-transference. A person who is able to make use of telepathy is said to be able to read the thoughts and stored information in the brain of others. Telepathy, along with psychokinesis forms the main branches of parapsychological research, and many studies seeking to detect, understand, utilize telepathy have been done within the field.) A simple accessible definition would be that of developing the inner sensitivity to receive and send these variant frequencies with out the need for the amplification device of the electronic age. Recalibrating the psycho-physical sensory pathways that comprise the abilities, in the physical human modality, to generate a strong enough mental signals that can be received by another receptive neural pathway in similarly configured recalibrated consciousness. The qualities of emotionality are an aberrant frequency that is somewhat disruptive unless well calibrated not to overcharge the communication of exchange of the pertinent data that is desired to be shared. A greater understanding of the true essence of these frequencies called emotions is just now being refocused through the thousands of year of experience in the Spiritual communities that that offer respite from the on going dualistic process of emotional expression. (Reference: Quantum Emotionality and Quantum Emotional Cosmology)

The Music of The Sphere, as it has been referred to, is the vibrational frequencies of the Cosmic Universal DNA construct that wholes the Secrets of understanding and knowledge while the journey continues through the human modality of perception and response to the Life Force Energetic that provide the cognitive “Now”. Seeing that which is imperceptible to Human Modality becomes perceptible once a state of Quantum Awareness is initiated by the excitement of Universal DNA harmonics of being, a tuning of the waking consciousness to the Music of The Spheres. Developing this frequency of the perception in the Human Modality opens the neural pathways to the same nature that is provided by the receptivity used in telepathic exchange. Though in the Spirituals sensibility it is referred to as a God Consciousness.

The inner communication with the frequencies of vibrational access to make change within the human physical modality can be achieved through the same process as those of the telepathic nature of the meta-physical journey that is sought through Spiritual access of what is refereed to as the inner worlds of consciousness. Genetic codes are simple vibrations that can be shifted with that proper understanding of frequency response on the Quantum Cognitive levels of awareness. The proper inner balances have been obscured by the emotional veil of observation and response rather that the Quantum Awareness of observation and release.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Quantum Recapitulation of Life Force Energies

This is the next movement of the score of this Quantum Symphonic Journey that requires examination. Quantum Recapitulation requires a fundamental agreed upon definition of life force in all its representations. Emotions are a conclusive examination of the frequency responses defined by data stored in the accepted empirical experiential observations that define the finite responses prescribed to the process of the occurrences in the daily interface with the manifest relative realities in the human modality or daily living. The reoccurring Life Force Energetic is the fuel and foundation of that which is seemingly consumed at every moment yet it provides for the expansion of that which is perceived as existence in the manifest relative realities of the human experience. That is to say that each moment of the ever present “Now” is the Quantum Recapitulation of the Eternal Absolute of Life Force Energetics that exist only to bring an awareness to that which, until this Quantum Cognitive “Now” sensibility, was beyond the human modality in this relative manifest realism that is insufficiently described as life.

The Movement of Life Force Energetics

This is not a discussion about the quality of what is referred to as life in the human modality viewed in the limited experience of the finite explanations offered from what is observed in the physical sensorial relative realities. This Quantum aspect of insight is set forth to describe the human process as well as the complete inquiry into that which is beyond the cosmic observance of life force. Once a reasonable agreed upon explanation is found it will be examine in contrast to the human modality of these frequencies of emotionality that precipitate what is called daily experiences of harmonic cosmic frequencies in the human modality. Observance through the imaginative intuitive creative view point offered from Quantum analysis, speculation and theory. In the human modality the closest explanation lies within the examination of Extremophiles (A biological life form that evolves strategies that allow it to survive even beyond the physical and chemical limits to which it has adapted to grow. To survive, some microorganisms can assume forms that enable them to withstand freezing, complete desiccation, starvation, high-levels of radiation exposure, and other physical or chemical challenges. Furthermore, some microorganisms can survive exposure to such conditions for weeks, months, years, or even centuries). This process is in line with that which is discussed in the adaptation of sub-atomic particles and their behavior on the quantum level of observation as well as the Quantum Emotional Cosmology that allows the human experience to evolve. Darwinian evolutionary speculative examination of life is an equivalent comparison to The Quantum Recapitulation of Life Force Energies, as is Newtonian and Relativity concepts that define the physical sciences and cosmic understanding, is to Quantum mechanics. Quantum Recapitulation is a finite operating perception of a combine formulation of the energetic representation of life in the unified field of awareness and cognitive examination. Life, when so defined, continues beyond that which is perceived as the simple dualist views of Death and Living. The finite aspects of the perceptive human modality experience of life force energies when held in the illumination of Quantum Cognition, does evolve. A brief explanation of Quantum Cognition; (Quantum Cognition; awareness in thought and consciousness that can conceive of and examine down to the sub-atomic level emotional frequencies (photons, neutrons, quarks and string membrane); sensory recognition of the smallest fabrication of material realities; elemental particles and wave forms that influence the sensory perceptibility)

Life Force Energetics Stage 3

It brings to a consciousness the greater possibilities of knowing without evaluation which provides an abilities to accept probabilities of experiences beyond the human modalities of perception and simple understanding of the process coined as life and living. Standing outside the box, so to speak, and looking in with out disturbing the content. In quantum evaluation and examination it is the observance of the phenomenon that defines the behavior to the lower human modality perceptual analysis and explanation; whereas through quantum awareness (usually stated as theoretical probabilities) it allows for a greater application of non sequential processing reserved for the imaginative frequencies of analysis. You may inquire; where within Life and Living does this energetic frequency response exist in the human modality. That’s the rub of it as you would have it. It exist within the simplest aspects of beingness and is an infinite expression that is the foundation to the process of the illusion as it is defined by the “Soul” consciousness that speaks through the action of love that pours through the phenomenon of Itself, that is life, the energetic breath of creation. Founded in Quantum Cognitive modality it is the greatest observance of all that is intangible that manifests in this imaginative intuitive frequency of being. From Di Vinci to Spielberg, From Copernicus to Jules Vern and from the early Philosopher and Sages to the Modern teaching and interpretations of ancient Wisdom where a language first began to offer a knowingness of the infinite mysteries of this Life Force Energetic signature that is a part of the human modality. In a cosmological sense of this observation the universe is a living organism far beyond the perception of the human modality of a life force explanation of being. We understand that the light we see as the stars are enormous sub-atomic particle factories that produce the components to be considered as Life Force Energies. As we peer within the Quanta we see this same phenomenon in every sub atomic representation of energetic formations. In a linear sense the human modality can only speculate in terms of a temporal definition of cosmic existence. Beyond the simple duality of “on and off” is a Quantum unified process that is the possibilities that all observable probabilities are a continuum of “acceptance and release” an Infinite Absolute that can be defined by Recapitulation of Life Force Energies Entanglement of Infinite Life Force Energetics and Quantum Cognition Life force prospective in the human modality, when observed, is seen in a limited spectrum of understanding that is within the harmonic range of Quantum Recapitulations. The reference to song is to bring a melodic sense of the harmonic structure that will harmonize with the true existence of the absolute infinite process of being that encompasses a non-dualistic, non-linear and non-sequential knowingness. Within the Absolute the simple applied definition of the cosmic view points on life are echoed in the human modality in frequencies that are perceptible in the quantum cognitive process that is functioning in the supra-consciousness, the creative intuitive imaginative, which is the quantum “acceptance and release” process. This becomes an entanglement paradox described in quantum mechanics manifested on a multi-dimensional universal scale between the human modality and the Quantum sensibility of a unified perception of that which is described as a Life Force Energy.

Life Force Energetics Stage 2

The empirical sensorial data that describes the existence of relative realities is encoded in each and every atom, a cosmic DNA strand, and all of the components that form the molecules that create the tactile universe that is under the scrutiny of the very same Quantum evaluation. The process of cognitive expansion of the supra-consciousness in the human modality that makes the effort to become intellectually aware of this process in this organic universe, the relative reality, is created through Quantum Recapitulation, a reaffirming that each component of the non-linear aspects of Life Force Energies is applied in each moment of the “Now”. The reprocessing of all that is formulated to exist just outside the response syndrome that effects the cognitive filter of the senses and creates the emotional data that inhibits a clear and unfettered experience of “Now” where a complete understanding or knowingness exist without a measurable form, the quanta (The word comes from the Latin "quantus", for "how much." Behind this, one finds the fundamental notion that a physical property may be "quantized", referred to as "quantization".……it is regarded by virtually every professional physicist as the most fundamental framework we have for understanding and describing nature at the infinitesimal level, for the very practical reason that it works. It is "in the nature of things", not a more or less arbitrary human preference) becomes the foundation The Life Force Energetics is the essence of creation in the tactile experiential sensorial response process of beingness within the human modality and the Quantum Recapitulation is the continuing recreation of the beginnings of sentient awareness of that beingness. Scientific examination and effort to recreate through technology a process of an artificial human intelligence may provide an adventure for the modality of human examination but Quantum Recapitulation (Q R) opens the essence of consciousness to the experience of being truly alive in the organic process of intelligence that is a true foundation for this moment of creation that is ever expanding and contracting as does the breathe of the Absolute that words fail to describe. The conclusive neural pathways that are emerging are that which can be referred to as Life Force Energies in the human modality, the classical observance of the relative sensorial “Now”, can not describe what is not within its temporal linear perceptual acuity. The experience of Life Force Energetics in observance is a fundamental process of faith, the unspoken truth that forms this external perceptive relative reality.

Empirical, Sentient, Sentience and Sapience consciousness.

Life Force Energetics Stage 1

Thursday, July 16, 2009


In this discussion the counterpoint or this contrapuntal derivation is created between the two aspects of awareness that of the “dream state (Turiya)” and “the past life experience (Déjà Vu)”. A Contrapuntal Quantum Awareness provides insight into the inner workings of the emotional plane that flavors and shades the hues of light and understanding that illuminate the human modality of perceptions. This creates the possibility of the shift of awareness away from the pedantic analysis of the rudimentary process of psychology and opens the ability to see with a new consciousness of the “Now” moment that is “Life” in its most experienced value.

The clear tones of the chimes of existence and the harmonics that are, heard as and experienced as, a perception of life are eternal to the awareness of “Soul”. The gentle and ever so subtle exchange between that which is experienced as the “Now” and that which holds the “Now” in its perceptive existence blends together to allow the sound current of the universe to continue. The perceptions that provide the continued evolution of all that does exist even those parts that “are not” thrive in this harmonious experience coined so lightly as Life. This chime in itself is the single tonality of its own beginning and its eventual decay into the silence that is required to acknowledge it, as that which “is not and yet is”. Within the Quantum harmonic it can be derived as the moment that is perceived as the infinite absolute that pervades the search for the equation that defines and gives meaning to those moments of emptiness that are the complete absorption into the absolute nothingness of oneness that is sought by that higher consciousness within the human modality that describes and defines soul with in the process of the mundane. “Soul” is itself a reductive representation of the Absolute that needs not to formulate an existence and is merely the observer of itself in the illusion of the relative realism.

As they are examine, the human modalities of perception, through the emotional response to the conclusions that precipitate the illusions of concrete realisms, the harmonics call “past life experiences” begin to align to create somewhat of a musical score that can be followed in those moments of silence that we call sleep. It is when that delineating process, the separating of these to avenues of conscious awareness, is over come and changed into Quantum cognitive awareness, that the higher human consciousness is removed from this dualistic routine that is cast upon the infinite awareness of the true self of “Soul” that is no longer entertained by that which is this emotional self that permeate the human condition. Traveling at the speed of awareness, which exits beyond the frequencies bandwidth of light and sound, lies a key to a Universal experience of this illusion that soul travels through and gives finite definition to the infinite Quantum reality that these relative realism manifest in. If soul can experience the frequencies of these harmonics once again it will be release from the static adventure that is offered in the human modality “perception and response” and is given to the fluid Quantum modality of “awareness and release” as a observable process and definition of life in this “Now” conscious experience.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Quantum Symphonic Score of The Absolute

The Quantum Symphonic Score of the Absolute

In the quantum awareness modality the fidelity of consciousness is beyond the definitions relied upon to examine or have a cognitive experience, this is to say that as we’re unable to perceive these frequencies in the human modality, of that which is not with in sensorial range of the accepted mental systems of recognition so that it can exist in the human modality awareness. Applied to this writing which you are reading, the paragraphs that you will read do exist in a quantum modality but the human cognitive ability to see and understand them has not been experienced. Once the space-time portion of the equation, the process of the linear progression of reading, is fulfilled then the experience of the concepts presented in the words will be complete in the human modality. When we approach dream conscious awareness, the fourth level of conscious awareness (Turiya) in the human modality, and waking consciousness as a part the same cognitive experience, we exist in a quantum cognitive energetic environment. It is only the human process of sleeping and waking that divides this limited experience of true quantum cognitive abilities into the dual human model of experience. Crossing the bridge between the dream state and waking state that are seemingly divided level of consciousness as defined, into a total aware quantum state of beingness provides the ability to see into other dimensional relative realities, referred to as the astral and causal planes of awareness. The quantum cognitive process, Soul consciousness or awareness, exist and operates at all frequencies of activities and representations of beingness. When you think of words spoken by someone or see in the minds eye a vision of the same person that is displace from the “now” sensorial temporal cognitive abilities, not standing in front of you, these are the limited dimensional shift that are experienced in the imaginative qualities human modality.

The more it is sought to develop a knowingness of a definitive or absolute executable idea or concept of that which has no definable parameters is an indefinite process which by its true nature is continually in a state of transformation and flux caused by its quantum nature of a mutable beingness. The action of the Spiritual, Mental and Philosophical seeking that is engaged in is the Quantum Syncopation that creates the harmonies and rhythmic expression in the cosmic symphony of the abstract, which to the senses that quantify the beliefs and perceptions of knowingness experienced as sentient consciousness and awareness, are held in an absolute quantum cognitive perception of “Now”. If intelligence is in itself artificial, being that it is only created from itself of itself to quantify that which it perceives as relative reality, then faith is organic it is only through faith that the conclusions we know as the manifest world continues to function as the human sensorial world of perception. This is in accordance to the energetic representation of all things great and small, the Macro and Micro cosmos. The magnificent wonders of the world of perception and sometime incomprehensible magnitude of what is referred as the inner realms, those of a Quantum Awareness, suspended in an electro-magnetic energetic balance of variant sub-atomic harmonics that are held in balance by the perception of a duality of the human modality senses in the multi-verse of an infinite absolute state that is manifest in a quantum aware sensorial state of non-corporeal expression, Infinite Absolute Joy (the quantum age) or Infinite Absolute Conflict (the atomic age).

Meditation on The Absolute

What is the fundamental emotional experience of being held in the heart of creation? Is it a struggle or is it through complete surrender and acceptance that we touch the hand of God? In the dualistic essence within the most evolved comprehensive human conscious experience it is both, but in the transformative quantum awareness it is an Absolute. (Adjective; absolute comparative more absolute, superlative most absolute, 1. Loosed from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional; 2. Complete in itself; perfect; consummate; faultless; 3. Viewed apart from modifying influences or without comparison with other objects; actual; real; — opposed to relative and comparative; 4. Loosed from, or unconnected by, dependence on any other being; self-existent; in this sense God is called the Absolute by the Theist. The term is also applied by the Pantheist to the universe, or the total of all existence, as only capable of relations in its parts to each other and to the whole, and as dependent for its existence and its phenomena on its mutually depending forces and their laws; 5. Capable of being thought or conceived by itself alone; unconditioned; non-relative; it is in dispute among philosophers whether the term, in this sense, is not applied to a mere logical fiction or abstraction, or whether the absolute, as thus defined, can be known, as a reality, by the human intellect; Noun; That which is independent of context-dependent interpretation, inviolate, fundamental.)

The true nature of (an) the Absolute can not be stagnant or static. In order for it to exist it must continue to adapt to its perception of its own beingness. Finite/Infinite, Matter/anti-Matter, Truth/Illusion these are the dualistic attributes that allow the human cognitive process to step outside of this non-quantum realm of an absolute to experience the Quantum Syncopation of a multi-dimensional relative representation of knowingness of an Absolute. To translate the true foundation of these explanations of that which is not a part of the cognitive frequencies of the human modality, this quantum field consciousness has manifested and is only accessible through the imaginative intuitive creative aspect with-in the human modalities. This higher fidelity of emotions coming from the resulting quantum recalibration of the human psycho-emotional bandwidths, the creative consciousness that process outside the norms of plausible explanations, modulate the electromagnetic variances of the sensorial response receptor harmonics, the more than fourteen recognized tactile senses, that influence this perceptive filter that is described as emotion. As discussed in Quantum Emotionality, the human modality of emotional response is just outside the frequency range of behavioral and instinctual responses of the lower human vibratory variance as an evolved mammalian species, rather than a cognitive Quantum consciousness intergraded into the experience of “Now” which in spiritual terms is “Soul”, the true self, existing in a state of “God” consciousness.

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Quantum Symphonic Expression

Traveling through this multiverse of energetic representations of the diverse frequencies of realities and beingness creates a music that is full and complete. Yet it is only at this early introduction of the timbre, rhythms and Quantum Syncopation that the cognitive ability to experience, through the broadening of perceptions by quantum sensorial receptivity, that this music, as it may be called, begins to transform existence into the “Now” process of the dance called life in the human modality.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Taking Steps Toward a Cognitive Quantum Spiritual Awareness

The continual questioning of the existence of a cohesive aspect of the manifest material universe and cosmos is not unlike the realms of thought and the mind and its correlation to that which is referred to as Soul, when considered as an equation of formulation and frame work for a quantum paradox. Does God or a supreme consciousness exist and can there be a dialogue between it and that which is experienced as consciousness in the human modality? When speaking of a dialogue it is not in the verbal sense but an awareness of the transference of energies. In the human modality this is verbal auditory exchange in conversation but in the quantum cognitive awareness it’s the exchange of energies with infinite possibilities as well as probabilities of a finite outcome that would be expressed. This is a true state of an absolute. Choosing a dimensional frequency to allow these expressions to create the “now” that it, in itself, would become a sensorial awareness of existence; it is this energetic exchange that creates the finite reality. As the collective awareness, a universal supra-unconscious, forms and begins to create harmonics in variable resonances, a definitive manifestation of this energetic exchange begins to develop into an adhered to sensorial relative reality. Developing a Cognitive Quantum Spiritual Awareness provides for an affective process of movement within this relative experience of “Now”, that is contingent upon the resonant harmonics of the defining concepts of the sensorial perception of this non-finite energetic process and its movement into an accepted relative realities of the human modality which is founded in the supra-universal consciousness that does define “Now” in the human experiences. It’s the continual affectation of the mental focus that the sensorial experience becomes mutable just by the aspect of a shift in consciousness, a change in the spiritual awareness that modifies the emotional response to that which is perceived as the circumstances of life it self in the human model. This is to say that the actual physical parameters of life do not change but the ability to comprehend and correlate the input toward the emotional responses can change and allow the human process to some what affect a change in the so call spiritual awareness that seemingly changes the actual physical outcome of the cognitive sensorial data received, perceived and responded to. When we place this process into a Cognitive Quantum Spiritual Awareness there becomes a greater possibility that the actual physical outcome of the circumstances of life are changed by this higher fidelity of awareness experienced in the manifest relative reality of the human model.

The multi-faceted crystal quality of quantum possibilities focuses our actions of every moment into the experiences of that which is to become a part of “Now” awareness. The universal laws, that are prescribed to by the conceptual philosophers of this quantum era of evaluation, understanding and illumination, have begun to shift these speculative aspects of how and what the future is and how it unfolds even in this expression of a linear temporal progressive perception. Pre-destination is spoke of in theology, however in the quantum awareness of cognitive spiritual experiences, the infinite spectrum of the combination of all universal thought that affect these cosmic laws are within the range of this same quantum cognition in the “Now”. In the human modality the statement “all that ever was, is and will be exist in this moment (the “Now”)” summarizes this same conceptualization with in the parameters of the human imaginative consciousness frequency range and creative variances.

This Spiritual process calibrates the expansion of existence it self. Acceptance and Release, the osculating frequencies of this quantum field, provides for the perception and experience to bring the natural motions of existence in line with the human modality which exist in a much more fragile emotional framework. This fluctuation of non-aligned response to the perceptive human emotional sensorial data can be recalibrated once a quantum sense of emotionality is initiated. (All future moments must in essence exist in the more expansive conceptualization of “Now”. If we allow the abilities of quantum sensorial referencing to be integrated into the waking human consciousness this prospect of the complete relocation of the actual perceptive sensorial input, the human shell, may be able to exist in that multidimensional awareness of that which is consider to be the future which is derived from the consciousness of ‘Now”. [Excerpt from “Quantum Emotionally Explained pg. 36]) This brings about the acceptance and release from the paradox of good verse evil which will bring equilibrium to the karmic concept of evaluation in concerns to the emotional actions that are believed to precipitate occurrences of retribution in the human modality. These concepts of understanding are defining principle of a quantum entanglement process within the human modality and that its consciousness gains a relative perceptive experience of the “Now” through a limited experiential knowledge of the universal processes of temporal juxtaposition, existing in past, present and future time frames, in awareness but not necessarily with a tactile cognitive experience.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This is Quantum Be Bop

Let’s start with these concepts as a lead sheet to experiencing this song of life and awareness that bring fulfillment to the heart the same way that a soloist does when playing. Life is a Dance to the music within and around use in this vast consciousness call the universe. When we change keys or modulate the resonate tones, it just another dimension that the song exist in. Rhythmically, it is the situations and occurrences in the passage through the process of “Now” that enhances the quantum syncopation of the creative manifestation of the agreed to sensorial expression of the relative realities. In the perceptive consciousness of Quantum Emotionality the thematic experience of life is opened to the multiple possibilities to all relative realities in the multiverse of existence.

Thought can be defined as a coalescence of sensorial data to provide an accepted definition for the input that the cognitive process responds too. Language is an individual’s transmitter that provides the shared experience of consciousness in relation to the sensorial data received when shared between it and another individual's conscious experience. As we continue to refine and increase the fidelity of the transmission and reception the most relevant aspect of the quantum translation of thought begins to experience one or more of the phenomenon of the speculative quantum behaviors that are being used to better define the universal data base of explanations to the sensorial interface with the accepted relative realities we hold too.

Love as a universal energy signature is only changed by the needs in the human modality of thought to structure and construct a controlling aspect of Loves infinite non-finite probabilities in order for the passive acts of the ego to constrict and limit the true potentiality this quantum frequency of emotion and light does produce. This energy can be felt or heard as the melodic as well as contrapuntal dissonance that provides the release in this quantum emotional aware experience of living.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rejections by Physicists and Mystics

Several of the founders of quantum physics were interested in the link between quantum mechanics and mysticism ……. They felt that quantum mechanics required a subtle reexamining of the role of conscious experience in the physical world.

Unlike them, the British physicist Sir Arthur Eddington rejected the notion that mysticism and physics had anything more than a metaphorical relationship…………. "We should suspect an intention to reduce God to a system of differential equations………..

……………..physicist Heinz Pagels explicitly rejected any link between the supernatural phenomenon often associated with mysticism and quantum mechanics, writing:
"Some recent advocates of Bell's work when confronted with Bell's inequality have gone on to claim that telepathy is verified or the mystical notion that all parts of the universe are instantaneously interconnected is vindicated. Others assert that this implies communication faster than the speed of light………… Individuals who make such claims have substituted a wish-fulfilling fantasy for understanding…………………
Likewise some mystics doubt that quantum physics and mysticism describe the same realm.

Tom Huston, in a review on the quantum mystical film What the Bleep Do We Know!? ………wrote:

"Quantum physics deals with the abstract, symbolic analysis of the physical world—space, time, matter, and energy—even down to the subtlest level, the quantum vacuum. Mysticism deals with the direct apprehension of the transcendent Source of all those things…………………... It's apparently only a very loose interpretation of physics, and a looser interpretation of mysticism, that allows for their surprising convergence—and opens the door to the even wilder idea that by drinking some of this quantum mystical brew, you'll be able to create your own reality.

For further illumination click here


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Possible Quantum Chaos Paradox

Books and more books as well as some Spiritual trainings have offered to the ego mind a process to bring so call prosperity into the human process of life, greater wealth, more material possessions and comfort. This shift of energetic focus has cause a severe repercussion or karmic backlash through the quantum lattice that is created based upon the entanglement theory.

The universal balance of the planet has been severely impaired and it is the Quantum Awareness that offers a methodology to convert the harmonics of this material existence to better serve the primary shifts within this level of the multiverse that is represented in the quantum aware state of perception. A brief summation of this processclick here may offer an initiation of a needed psychic change to better facilitate a knowingness through the quantum modality of perception.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Little More To Know About Me!

The direction and logic, sometimes illogic, that I have followed has, however provided a door into a perceptual consciousness that can observe these phenomenons through something that does energize and show that there is reasonable proof that all these processes are inter-connected in a perceptual reality that has slowly begun to materialize. I have found that what knowledge (perceptions) that I have experienced gives rise to a non-finite view of all that we consider to be fact and a fundamental truth that this temporal material experienced existence has been agreed upon, somewhere deep within our collective consciousness and perceptions, as a unified or cosmic universal observation of creation itself. It is from a supra-conscious state that a new light of knowingness brings forward in what has been coined as, the collective unconscious, an energetic conclusions that the perceived cosmos and universe is mutable and somewhat dependant on some area of this collective consciousness that is shared by we the observers.

When I was a growing mass of atoms, nucleoli, peptides and genetic material programmed by a DNA mainframe, traveling through an accepted perception of my experiences, O.K. a small human, my first great cosmic and universal conquest was a walk around the block from my bases of operation, home. Like the first adventure of a world society, you remember when the world was still flat; I also followed something that told me more of what the truth was than the accepted perceptions of the non-unified awareness of reality as it was believed to be at that time. By the way what was discovered when people ventured across the vast expanse of the oceans was a consciousness in an indigenous people that knew more of this planets real nature than those that had just conquered their greatest fear in traveling across a vast unknown, the ocean, which was their accepted perception of the material existence, the world, as they were told by the great minds of that time. Other simple discoveries, such as the earth was not the center of that universe as well as the true meaning of gravity (which is still under investigation) and so on etcetera.

My personal transformation and application of much of what I have sought to understand in the changing of the perceived truth of the senses was very simple. In junior high school I fancied myself a basketball player because my physical experience told me I could do it. It failed. However the same consciousness that guides me in this quest related within this paper allowed me to lay those perceptions aside and later in high school became a successful player. In my perceived experience of the linear temporal progression of consciousness, living life day by day, I can offer more empirical data based upon the re-evaluation of my life experiences, that can lead one to believe that all we perceives is subject to change if the universal accepted processes are allow to evolve beyond a finite acceptance into a quantum founded experience of all that is perceived to be the adhered too reality of our being.

How far back was I being prepared for “Now”? (Now___ A perceptive temporal framework of reference that brings awareness to all quantum values of explanations and alignment of multidimensional visualization to a limited human spatial perceptive understanding) At the age of eleven I experienced my first awakening to joy as a foundation for living. Over the years it has become more defined as excepting life as it is and provides the avenue of making change to that life on the quantum level. I knew that this profound feeling within me would have to gestate in the temporal sense but in a quantum sense it has just occurred and is part of the perception of “Now” that I was experiencing during that temporal moment. Going through my drug addiction phase and having dreamed of it being a journey ending by walking through a spiritual doorway to knowingness was one more aspect of this journey. I find truth in this because I have memories of knowing about the Tarot and drawing pictures of the cards at age seven in 3rd grade and later becoming an avid tarot reader and astrologer. Learning the art of healing by sitting in church and watching the minister brings the Holy Spirit into people’s heart with quite dynamic results.

This quantum consciousness process is providing insight and correlation to a singleness of experience, beingness and knowingness that these perceptions have been orchestrated in this moment of “Now” from the early process of seeing Joy in all that life brings. The experience of a sense of being unlock from a linear temporal perception and consciousness in every molecule of thought and bringing the awareness of all possibilities into alignment without a need for great discernment between their validity and placing any value of suspicion on the need for that discernment provides the first step of acceptance and release. Seeing that all the variables match the quantum modality of the inner resonance of beingness and knowingness that has been placed into a temporal formula to better express the oneness of being, is a centrifugal synergectic force that has no foundation nor easily delineated starting point in any perceptive abilities except for those that do not correlate with theoretical imprisonment of Newtonian physics, relativity displacement, religious doctrine, dogma and quantum collapse speculation.

click here to see complete document

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Way back in 1900, physicist Max Planck wrote a mathematical formula, on a postcard to a friend, that introduced to the world the notion of tiny, discrete bundles of energy, which behaved both as waves and as particles, and came to be known as quanta. This formula has become the basis of quantum physics, the strange new science that tells us reality is discontinuous and deeply paradoxical---a reality that doesn't follow the cause and effect rules of our ordinary empirical science.
click here for more understanding

Quantum Emotional Cosmology

This paper is written from a view point of the creative mind broaching the scientific boundaries of speculations and theoretical phenomenon that shapes the reality that lies beyond our waking minds. To allow emotions to be at the foundation toward a greater understanding of deeper mysteries in our Spiritual energies that are fundamental to the search for truth and light, there should be a point of beginning that exist where they had to have been defined into that which we accepted universality, until resent years as truth and fundamental view points of the manifest material existence we call life has begun to change into quantum understanding.

As we seek to find greater knowingness within ourselves of that which is at the foundation of our sense of being, a source of the infinite in this very finite universe, we venture into an understanding of that which is readily available to quantify and make it relative to our way of perceiving through the finite senses. Our emotionality, which we consider to be a valuable tool, is one of the abilities we use to help guide our perceptions. These emotions are still in there infant stage as far as our understanding of their use and ability to shape and govern our interface with this finite realm of beingness. When not guided by the infinite awareness of Soul, a subjective title and explanation for a self that is not confined to this temporal existence, these emotions are just outside the range of the instinct of our lower humanness consider to be no more than an evolved animal consciousness. Instinct provides us with a way to survive in the environment of the worlds of duality, the proven and the speculative, the finite and the infinite, and if you would have it, good and evil (truths that at some point were not socially accepted or scientifically provable), social order and the secrets of the universe, and our soul consciousness provides us with the ability to see beyond the chaotic input and reactionary experience of this environment. In this modern day world of scientific discovery it is only now, in the last hundred years, that we begin to apply the same principles of discovery and release that have been seen as a somewhat divine possibility through the aspects of Quantum analysis. Release being a letting go of subjective conclusions because most physical facts today are mutable and temporary when viewed in the quantum modality.

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